I removed it to give Bizarre a more fluid feel.
You can now write a hello world program like this:
display: "Hello, world!"
and some others:
display: "Hello", ",", " ", "world", "!"
display:"H","e","l","l","o"","," ","w","o","r","l","d","!"
okay that last one was ridiculous but yeah, you get the point.
variable update:
IT'S ALMOST WORKING ONE ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay sorry about that but it's try, one error to leap and I'll be able to implement variables... then of course I've got to do different types of variables and lists. I'm thinking for variables and array:
1. string
2. integer
3. floating point
and for File I/O (it will be stored in a variables <b>not</b> in arrays :3):
1. TextFile
2. BinFile
what do you think?
So this pretty much forces you to put each command on a new line?
DeleteIt's normally a good programming habit(I think).
What are your opinions on this?
It normally is, but if think of jQuery for example, where they compress it to reduce filesize of whitespace of their library.
DeleteYou could probably do it like JavaScript does: it's not required, and if omitted, it treats until the end of the line as the command. For example, these are all the same:
Hmm... I'm not sure that's necessary :b
DeleteI think I'll keep it so that one line of code is actually one line of code. I want this language to be easy to read :3