Sunday, November 11, 2012

New repo.

Check it out. I like google code better than sourceforge for svn type stuff. That's the main reason I started using it. Other than that sf is much better :P
Anyway, you should expect more activity /finally/.
To compile the source you're going to need the FPC compiler.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meet Stan!

Stan is out new mascot! He is an Emu.
Imo he looks pretty good (probably because I'm the one who drew him xD)
What do you guys think?
Is it pretty close to the wikipedia article's Emu?
He was created using mypaint(mainly), Gimp, and Inkscape.


A real Emu
As for other news. I'm going to reach for the sky, get rid of the "Scripting Language" idea and make it a "Dynamic Programming Language". In other words it will end up being as powerful as Python, Perl, Ruby, you name it!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Re-Writing and other news...

Okay, so I finally open my Bizarre source code. Now usually the first thing you think is "Awesome, can't wait to get back to this!". The first thing I thought was "yuck". The code is a mess. I thought Pascal was an elegant language :P Anyway, I'm going to rewrite Bizarre (I didn't get very far so don't worry) to make the source code more readable. But that's not the only reason I'm recoding it. I'm going to set it up so that there is no shell (yet at least :P). You'll run a script such as "hello, world.bzr" through the interpreter. Without a shell you can't look up a tutorial, start typing, and get instant feedback but it will make it more convenient to code as well as use when you're making a program.

As for the other news goes I'm also changing the official mascot (did we even have one?). I still have no idea what it will be but this will mean a change in icon (I'll make sure everyone agrees to it! (isn't there only one potential user right now!?)).

If you have suggestions about a mascot (you would never realize how important those are!) please let me know!

Monday, May 7, 2012

New icon... Wooohoooo!

Yeah, I worked hard on this and finally came up with a satisfactory icon. I'll upload a screenshot :)
Tell me if you like it!

For other news the site is being re-styled, expect it to be updated in about a week...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

No semicolen

I removed it to give Bizarre a more fluid feel.
You can now write a hello world program like this:

display: "Hello, world!"

and some others:

display: "Hello", ",", " ", "world", "!"

display:"H","e","l","l","o"","," ","w","o","r","l","d","!"

okay that last one was ridiculous but yeah, you get the point.
variable update:
IT'S ALMOST WORKING ONE ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay sorry about that but it's try, one error to leap and I'll be able to implement variables... then of course I've got to do different types of variables and lists. I'm thinking for variables and array:
1. string
2. integer
3. floating point
and for File I/O (it will be stored in a variables <b>not</b> in arrays :3):
1. TextFile
2. BinFile
what do you think? 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Parked in the station...

Okay, unfortunately Bizarre is going to be parked from now until close to the end of the summer. What i mean by parked is that I'm pausing it for a while. I'm pausing it because i'm:
a. Really busy, I have to study etc...
b. Traveling over the summer
c. I highly doubt I'll have time to do much programming over the summer :(
Also, I may not be on Coders' Shed that much either, just when I get to a hotel with free internet :P

Monday, April 23, 2012

Errors, errors, and more errors

aww, just when I thought I got variables working I get a crash :(
Got to keep developing :P
edit: aww I got so far but am baffled at what the error could mean.
I'm falling back to "Pre Alpha 1.5" :3
Of course this means I have to start afresh.

Variables are hard to implement.
I'm using dynamic arrays and this method:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Upcoming Features!

Well, I need to keep a record of what features I am planning on adding :3
Here they are(not in any particular order):
File I/O
Branching [goto]
Dealing with time
Text input
Text output
String functions
If statements
Variables //partially implemented
Here is a little update too:
I'm working on implementing variables, it's tough work D:
I'll just keep at it and see where I get to :3

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Ok, so Bizarre has a website now :D
But um
I don't really know
should I re-style it?
I just want some tips on how to organize it etc... :P

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Yes, it's true. I've written the first ever "Hello, world" program in Bizarre. I'm so excited.
Here is the syntax:
display: "Hello, world";
and here is a screenshot:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Just got a working parser done! It parses and deletes comments Etc...
It seems to work :P
Remember to check it out here

Thursday, March 15, 2012

First source release!

Well, here is the day you've all been waiting for! The first source release of Bizarre!
Although it does absolutely nothing other than parse the command you've just entered; it does that quite well :P You can browse the source here. You'll have to compile it with the free pascal compiler. And the main page is here.
Here is a screenshot :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Phase one

I'm starting to develop a new scripting language, it will be called Bizarre. You ask why I'm making one when there are some many out there. My answer is simple; I'm doing this for fun. I don't expect many users but I do hope that the users I get are happy with the language.
As soon as I get a Pre Alpha 0.1 out I'll start (almost) daily snapshots via SVN on sourceforge. As this is the first day of development don't expect any releases of the software until about Thursday.
My plan for updating will be like this
I would recommend that if you are planning on using Bizarre for applications; wait for the bug release, even though I will be fixing some bugs in a feature release, I plan on making Bizarre more stable on a bug release.